

eHeuristic Solutions
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This application is alternative of voicemail application. You can set your cellphone to rebound mode & set message to your contacts. Here, In application, you can set rebound mode & set message by various methods. You have special features to set this mode to particular user or all user.

Message Feature:
There are four ways to set message for rebound mode.
You can record video & set video message for contacts.
You can record audio & set audio message for your contacts.
You can capture photo or upload photo for set message to your contacts.
Also, you can set sticker or logo with text message.

Filter Contact:
You can set particular message to particular contact.
You can also set message for all your contact.
You can also set default message for all contacts.


One touch medical emergency help at your doorstep. The BEAST APP will not only notify your friends and family via SOS but also trigger a phone call to the BEAST helpline. The APP would also send your location to the hospital and aid and expedite the arrival of help.

Book eLibrary

As per name of application you can experience library management after installation of application on your device. Here, in screenshot you can find some visual presentation of application for best experience of library management, you can download this application. Main functionalities of this application are as given below:
E-book library is application where you can keep track all of your books. You can maintain all the details about book without any problems. You can store details about book issue & book return. Some functionality are bookmark, restore data, backup data which are very helpful while using application. This application is very handy tool for bookkeeper & book reader. If you want brief description about application then here is the description.
Books Details:
You can add book details like name, category, price, author, publisher, status, discount, version, language many other details.
You can edit some details whenever you want. You can also delete book details.
Issue & Return:
You can maintain detail about issuer like user name, contact no, email, issue date, return date. In issued book you can find details about book issued by reader.
In settings, you can find issued book, history, backup, restore & other basic information related to application like Rate, Share, Contact us, extra.
Backup & Restore:
If you want backup for your data then you have functionality in app that you can backup your data on cloud storage like Dropbox & Google Drive. If you want to restore then you can restore back on application.
You can find book listing on book eLibrary. If you want any functionality like add, edit and delete then you get by swiping on book listing. You can get book issuer detail using Issued book details.
What’s New?
Reminder: While you are landing your book to some reader & you want reminder before return date then you can set by this feature.
History: While you gave many books for reading too many people, then you can track all issued & return book here.
Add to buy: If you find new arrivals & some books you want to buy then you can set details about book here. This functionality is look like wish list.
Bookmark: While you are reading book and want to take rest & after sometimes you want to start reading, so using this feature you can find where you stop reading & you can resume your reading without waste time.

Stock Smart Pro

As per application name you can experience stock related calculation in this application. Using this application you can become pro in stock calculation. For visual experience you can find application screenshot. Main functionality of application is as given below:

Stock Smart Pro is application where you can find calculation related to stock.
If you have numbers then you get result whichever you want. In this version you can calculate equity, commodity, currency & FNO. If you are not good in calculation for above features or you want quick calculation without wasting time then this application is very handy tool for user who have interest in Stock. This application you can also refer as stock calculator.

For all category mentioned above you can calculate Intraday Trading & Delivery Trading very easily. You can find difference between both trading with the help of calculation. You can calculate by yourselves and find which type of trading has profit.

Application Settings:
Here, you can find numbers related all calculation which is used in background process of calculation. If you want to change then you can edit these numbers and further calculation result is based on new structure of trading rate.

In home screen you can find various options regarding stock calculation. You can insert detail here and you get result. In settings you can find basic information related to application.

Halala Good

Worried about where to eat? Don’t, we got you. We are here to help you find restaurants to your nearby location. You can choose restaurants and we can redirect you to restaurants locations.


Consumers sign up using their mobile devices over WiFi/Mobile data networks.
TRAPYZ builds a consumer profile record with their interests/preferences.
Retailers create footfall and in-store engagement campaigns targeted to different demographic profiles.
TRAPYZ uses location and user interest to serve targeted contextual campaigns.
Consumers are rewarded for store visits, in-store sampling/trials, Likes/Shares with friends and in-store purchases.
Retailers receive campaign campaign metrics for analysis and monitoring of new/ongoing campaigns.

Tulsi Wellness Cleanse

Are you too busy in your corporate life????? You can not take personal care because of your schedule. This application will help in your busy schedule. You can set your time for breakfast,lunch,dinner also some daily routine. you can set reminder for it. Application can notify when you set reminder. Also get progress report about your health and daily schedule.


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